SkyTrak has been known for its reliability for years. It offers products known to be simple, but efficient and capable of performing daily tasks repeatedly. Recognized as a top seller in North America, this American-designed machine contains fewer technological components and is therefore suitable for more robust work.
The company offers a range of telehandlers designed for small and large jobs, but especially meant to last years without too many investments and repairs. The steel parts adequately protect a simple but durable machine. With a load capacity ranging from 6,000 to 10,000 pounds, and a lift height of up to 54 feet, the various models are versatile enough to meet different needs in various industries.
A sturdy machine for sturdy people is a SkyTrak promise that has been maintained and conveyed for years. It’s the assurance of a job well done and quality performance. Products that are not flamboyant or too technical, but are reliable and that deliver the goods. An alternative that is greatly appreciated by customers and that amply meets simple needs in the handling industry.