VARENNES, August 2nd, 2017 /Manulift EMI/ – The modular range investment is the most important and the biggest change ever made by Merlo. This project has costed more than 250 million Euros, more than their usual 8% of turnover invested in R&D annually, and will increase the total production by 27% to meet the global exponential demand.
This impressive standardization modified the range of chassis from 72 to only 8. They have a planned stability with equal distribution of weight to all four wheels.
The new modular cab will be more spacious and ergonomic, while keeping its robustness and its unparalleled visibility. Merlo has retained the longitudinal positioning of its engine allowing 20% more access to components like the transfer case and the drop/bevel box. In addition, Merlo retains its compactness and therefore its versatility and high utilization rate.
The new modular range is clearly a strong step forward for clients’ productivity.